Monday, March 31, 2014

Purple Martians and Elephets

Back to reality today! All systems are go, and no fevers were found. Of course I set out on my first day back in the land of the healthy with an ambitious goal- de-crib Tiny. If she can get out- may as well take away the possibility of her falling to her death and simply put her in "the big girl bed".
She was obviously sad to leave her crib. 

I on the other hand..
...turned around, looked at this crib and did feel sad. This oh so annoying to put together, dirty, kicked, chewed piece of furniture that Grandma bought for Lucy back in our tiny little New York apartment has held all three nuggets into the toddler life. 

I am so not the mom who gets emotional about this "stuff", but this crib has been seen as an annoyance to me for so many years. It's big, it's hard to move, and for the 3rd kiddo never even looked nice. But today as I began the process of disassembling it (almost with ease at this point), it went from an annoyance to a treasure. I've given the swing, the clothes, the gear- all of it away and not looked back for a second. We don't plan on having more kiddos, and honestly even if we did, a lot of our equipment just needs to be replaced. 3 kids seemed to be the limit on baby gear for those wondering. But then, to take down the biggest piece, and have it get to me! Ugh! Who am I? 

The truth is that, yes, in my most sentimental moments, babies growing older is a sad sad thing. But, whether I have 3 kids, or 8 kids- babies growing older will be sad. We feel that Violet completed our family, and are overall ready to move to the next stages in life. 

I will just miss that chewed up crib; and those teething babies. 

For those of you without kids- you're not misunderstanding my words. Babies will actually gnaw on the wood; much like what I imagine a teething infant woodchuck would need to do. They make protectors for them, but kids eventually figure out how to work around it- and if your crib goes through 3 sets of gums- it won't be available for much else but the garbage when they're done. 

Jack's Uncle Vio gave him a baseball bat yesterday.

He hasn't stopped asking to play soccer since. 

By soccer he does actually mean baseball. 

How he'll survive in society without his mother I do not know. 

With all of that said- he hit the stinkin ball every single time! 

What the heck?! 

This is so unlike me! I truly am not sure that I have ever made contact between a bat and a ball- my Tee-Ball years included. I am a pitiful example of any sport involving much hand eye coordination. 

Just in case you're all concerned he's losing touch with his intellectual side- Lucy asked me how to spell phone, and Jack followed that up with asking how to spell "the purple martian from despicable me". 


Later on I was trying to remember this conversation and asked Jack what Lucy needed me to spell earlier. "I don't remember. What was I wearing when you asked me?" Ummm. your pajamas? "I still don't remember."


Lucy expressed her love for elephants-
or elaphets...

I'm wondering if she's seen star wars with Daddio one too many times...

We also found this in her backpack- 
Let's all be thankful she has yet to express the desire to be a professional artist as an adult.

After school she had a girl scout outing to the fire station. Each girl was supposed to make the firefighters a thank you card- thanking them for their service, and everything they do for the community. 
Thanks for all the rescuing. 

Also a topic today was April Fools Day. I thought it'd be fun to tell the kids what it was in hopes that we can play around a bit tomorrow. So I gave examples of "nice tricks" you could do. Like- if I put fake food on your plate for breakfast "APRIL FOOLS!!" or told you you had to stay home all day and sit on the couch "APRIL FOOLS!!" 

This is where they started giggling and fully embracing this odd but awesome day. Jack excitedly shouted his example of "hey look! There's an old banana!...APRIL FOOLS!!" Cue hysterical laughing from all humans between the ages of 4-6. 

Lucy chimes in with hers, "Hey!! You're a dog!" BAHAHAHA.


Needless to say- tomorrow may be far more annoying than hilarious. I'm sure I'll have some good stories to share. Looking forward to the annual attempt at tricking my husband into thinking I'm pregnant. It's always a good one. 

Sunday, March 30, 2014


Well. I'm out of my hole and back to the real world that is in fact still spinning despite a sick mother. Fevers of 103 should just not be allowed in any mama body. 

I'll share the few pictures I do have of the past 4 days, and just get things rolling again before the new week! Unfortunately, I spent very little time with kiddos this week as I was totally knocked out Thursday afternoon by some sudden virus. But, I'm hoping the fact that I spent so little time with them will keep them from getting it themselves :). 

Last week was a little crazier than I'd like but some great job news (nothing officially signed or I'd be squealing and posting pics of some sort of celebration) and some encouraging words from Pediatric Eval "people" and I'm feeling worlds better. 

Wednesday Violet finally had the line drawn in the sand on her vocab, and we set the date for an evaluation for the tiny nugget. She has one word at 18 months. It's not a crisis, but just something that is better to be looked into early vs late- or so I've been told. 

The one word is "boo" which is actually said like bah- she only says it when she wants to play peek-a-boo. 

It's not exactly the one word I would choose to solely express myself through but, hey, to each their own. 

Thursday morning was the hearing test- she did well with that as far as the speech frequencies go. We actually learned her right ear has some frequencies she didn't seem to pick up so we have to go back. Basically it determined she is not being held back in speech because of hearing but there is another thing to add to the list of "Violet quirks". So- we'll check that out. I'm not worried. 

That afternoon I was supposed to do birthday festivities with my mama, and instead took a nap at her house with my free hours. 


Sigh- but by 5 that night I was down for the count and more sick than I have been since I had pneumonia in high school. Just so so achy and tired. Tired like where taking a shower requires breaks because standing that long is too much to ask. 

Of course you know this means I just didn't shower for 3 days. 

I honestly cannot tell you much that happened in between Thursday afternoon and sometime yesterday/today. If you called me and I seemed weird- I was. 

I was heavily medicated and probably sleep talking. I hope you recorded the conversations- I'd like to know what was said myself. 

When I would emerge from the bedroom for the occasional meal of "one bite of egg" I noticed that kids have no limit to how messy they allow themselves or their surroundings to become.
I didn't even care. 

If any of you follow me on facebook or instagram you may have noticed my kids have been in the same clothes since Thursday. 

I noticed that this morning. 

Yesterday started with me overhearing this as Dan walked into the kid's room, "why is Violet out of her crib? And is that poop on the ground?" She wanted to, and I'm not sure. "Well, that doesn't make me feel comfortable." 

Poor Dad.

Yesterday I had been fever free for a majority of the day, and actually felt like seeing people so I joined my husband and kids who had been at my mom's house all day without me. We decided to take Big and Middle nuggets to a park. We went to one that allowed mama to remain in the car and watch as kiddos got some much needed fresh air. 

Lucy mastered the monkey bars. 

This is a huge deal. And it only took "wait Mom, let me try one more time" to be said 1093583034 times! 

I probably screamed louder than her when she finally got all the way across. 

Jack spent the better part of the first 2 minutes at the park trying to put his jacket on. 

Nailed it.

Jack is so dorky and he so doesn't care at all. It makes my mama heart want to hug him. 

"Bud, your coat is on upside down let's fix it." "No, it's fine mom, I'm playing."

You know that darn upside down coat bugged me the whole time I watched them play. 

Later on we got back to Daddio and I enthusiastically told Lucy to tell dad about the park! 

"There was a boy there." 


I just buzzed through that comment and told Dan myself. She did the monkey baaarrrs!! 

At this point Lucy clicked back into normal 6 year life and excitedly told her dad all about it.

Today was spent recouping a bit further. Dad and the kiddos had fun in the living room, while I gave the house a little attention.

I was fever free still today, and only took medicine first thing this morning. Dare I say it's over?! 

Went out a bit with my mom this afternoon in efforts of mending my lameness on Thursday, and can say I'm somehow ready for the new week. 

This was just taken before I sat down to write. Kiddos are obviously not in their own rooms. But, how can I interrupt when I overhear, "Introducing Prince Jackson and Princess Luciana on the thrown of Arendelle!!!!" 

Tomorrow's great mental debate will be to switch Violet to the big girl bed or not to.


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Humdrum Reports

Back to the good ol' Northwest rain today- a few breaks of sun, but after being outside lots the past few days- it was kind of a welcome day in.

Rock painting is apparently a thing we do now. 

Ignore her face- she was being rude...usually is when the patch is on. 

She later went upstairs and cleaned her hopes of her friend coming over. 

It totally worked. I am a true believer that sometimes additional children make your life easier as they entertain the regulars.

Jack needed something to do so, as I do every few months, I remembered about the downstairs closet. 
Or "lego room" if you're a resident here. 

It's baby proof, it has it's own lighting, and when it gets messy- I simply close the door. It's kind of great. 

While Jack did that, Lucy and her friend played "fashion show" (which BTW seems to just be walking around with your hands on your hips singing "fashion girrrrrrrls" over and over), and Violet and I got to actually hang out. 

A rare occurrence for the tiny nugget to get one on one time.
Some wild caterpillar play went on, followed by intense couch pillow peek-a-boo.

Next she took things too far, and decided to try to climb everything. 
We all get carried away sometimes

Worked together and cleaned out the freezer; at which point Jack decided to let us know that everything in it is harder than a head bone.

Side note- can we all take a moment and think about how impossible it seems that this dainty little paw supports that mammoth thunder thigh? 

She could feed a family for weeks in the wild. 

V-money also has learned how to open the back door. 
So far I've only found her out back twice. Thank God for a fenced in yard, I guess?

I'm just rollin' in the mom points. 

In the sun's brief appearance Boba got to take a stroll into school to pick up his sister.
Blank-blank also took part. 

Jack has started planning his birthday party. He will be five in a short 8 months. 

Can never be too prepared. 

The birthday list as of today:
1. A toilet that blows bubbles out the top when you flush
2. A hot tub


I thought making cookies together would be fun as I've been attempting to teach them some basic kitchen skills and channel Lucy's passion. 

I announced that everyone needs to clean up the downstairs and we will get to it. Lucy burst into action, and Jack remained still. 

"Jack I'm talking to you buddy! Clean up the house if you want some cookies"

His response was quick and cruel- 
"Mom, we all know you're talking to yourself. You want the house clean and you want cookies"

No truer statement has ever been made. 

Of course I told him I wouldn't make them unless he helped, and he jumped into action. 

Next I realized something based on this afternoon's cleaning session, and Lucy's room this morning. My kids have turned a glorious corner. They actually have skill. 

Gone are the days where cleaning means piles of wrong things being put into wrong containers. They get it. My living room pillows were all lined up how I require them to be, toys in the toy closet, dishes in the dishwasher- upstairs things brought upstairs. 


Of course, it's not the level of clean that I'd want anybody I respected to see my home in but still- it was impressively decent, and gave me an entire new perspective on the possibilities of those dirty little hands. 

Over dinner we discussed how I could not get things ready fast enough and Jack would rather just have 5 moms. 

Believe me kiddo, this is not the first time I've thought of the benefits of sister wives. 

Showers, stories, and 1,000 occurrences of "I have to tell you one more thing" and bed time was a wrap. 
Big, Middle & Tiny thoroughly enjoy getting clean.

Tomorrow is "Wacky Wednesday" at school and Jack plans on wearing his shoes backwards.

And no I don't mean on the wrong feet, I clarified. He indeed means actually backwards. "My toes might be a little squished but it will be ok"

He can't put his shoes on the correct way- I can't wait to watch him try to put them on backwards.

Maybe I'll record it.

Share away if you'd like! I'm glad to be back on my regular schedule in the blog world! 

I'll catch ya on the flip side!! 
Wink wink

Monday, March 24, 2014

Slowfolks and Poorheads

Well, Mondays are always wonderful aren't they?? 

Ours was actually decent if you could take out the hours from about 4 on. 

The kids spent the morning outside "playing football". 
These are both Jack attempting to catch the ball. I particularly like the dolphin tale move on the left. 

Let's try kicking- 
This was far better than the catching. And Lucy gets an A for switching the helmet over to her head for this one. 

We moved on to a different leisure activity...
Of course Jack found it far too much work and chose this time to ask his important questions of the day..

Why is water soft?? just is.

 Were you punched in the head when you were a baby?

He also kept calling his forehead his poor-head, and told us all we were "a bunch of slowfolks" 

Not sure if I should have his hearing tested, or just roll with these incorrect ideas of common words/phrases. 

I think we'll roll with it for now. 

Both Jack's preschool and Lucy's public school are learning all about Dr Seuss lately. In honor of that, Lucy dug out the copy of Waterville Central School's "Seussical the Musical" a few days ago, and has watched at least parts of it every single day.

God help me. 

Jack did however make a cool hat. 

And Lucy drew a picture..
May it haunt your dreams. 

Lucy had a particularly dramatic day, and greeted me after school saying she "can't wait to die so she never has to get a shot again"

Glad to see we're not going to extremes here. I mean, death?? Really??

After school on a 65 degree day you better believe we hit up the park! 
Push me, push me, push me!! 

Downside of having your kids close in age is definitely getting your cardio in by the swingset. Or the upside- guess it depends on your perspective.

You all know where I stand on physical exercise...I lay. 

Cute Mae Mae loving the park. 

Can you hear her skin sizzling? 
I felt like she was the whitest thing we'd seen all winter. Sunscreen was a must. Thanks to my friend for actually being a mother who is prepared, and letting me borrow. 

Next it was time to leave. We only got to stay for an hour and a half, and the world surely was ending when I announced to load up the van. 
20 minutes after arriving home. 

In the midst of that I discovered the worst possible thing I could have imagined on my staircase.

May it also haunt your dreams. 

This threw Jack into hysterics as well, and only grabbed Violet's attention. Let the moment that seems to happen every Monday begin. 

My brain loses most ability to think due to screaming. And of course the dog for whatever reason chooses this moment to be sure someone is at the door, and begin barking like a fool. 

Add in the 85 pound lab we're babysitting who emerges from her elderly slumber for one quick round of puppy like play at this. exact. moment. 

I stuff my face with chocolate, break my diet, and in one 10 minute session of life have become unraveled. 

Oh well. Tomorrow is another day, right?

Things calmed down, and Lucy shared the story of her friend at school who went to the desert to see a genie with his mom. 

Seattle parents are actually insane. 

Next she casually mentioned that something "so weird happened when she pooped" There was blood in the potty, but her nose wasn't bleeding!! 


Guess I'll be checking poop for a while. 

I leave you hoping you all enjoyed your Monday, and let's all hope to sleep as good as Bird this evening. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sometimes Is Not Forever

Sometimes you just have a bad week. Sometimes. But, not all the time. I’m clinging to the not all the time part of that last sentence. This phase of crazy that our family is in seems to have caught up with me this week, or maybe- if I’m honest- this month. There are certainly some “abnormal” factors to the feeling of being overwhelmed, but really I also think it’s just where we are right now as a family.

My words say “obey the first time, please” and my mind says “seriously- I’d be happy with the 5th time, just obey the 5th time, and we’ll call it good”.

I do not do well with the unknown. I do think that I am an adventurer by nature, but when it comes to the foundation of who I am, I appreciate stability probably more than anything.

Kids are not stable. In fact, kids are the most unstable living things on the planet. 

Jobs in transition, finances, education- all not stable, or at least not guaranteed. I hate it. How easy is it to get caught up in the what if’s, and the but how’s??

With that said- I need to sell something so I can hire a house-cleaner. My brain works so much better in a clean environment and I feel as if my house is crawling in grossness. 

Well, it is. Their names are Lucy, Jack and Violet. BUT- it’s only a phase, right?? 

Sometimes you have a bad week, or a rough phase, and you just simply need to know you won’t be there forever, and to attempt to find something to make that phase worth going through.

We have always enjoyed a good family dance session- and Violet joins in now too, which is fun.

We also tried cooking together. 
Nailed it. 
Double nailed it.

Uncle Caleb and Gram-gram are in New York, and Lucy has had just about enough. UGH JUST MAIL ME TO NEW YORK CITY MOM.

We've also been dog-sitting Bella (my mom/sister’s creature) and she seems to be depressed. This is typical Bella behavior when her true family is not around. She is a comfort eater, a sulk-er, a whiner, but also just wants some lovin’s.
She likes to breathe right in my ear. It's also worth mentioning that she has the breath of what I imagine the inside of a dead animal smelling like. Extra dog-sitter points for sure.

Like a toddler, if she can't see you- you can't see her.

Go outside bella- run around a bit, smell the fresh air- live a little.

Also- depression is contagious-

Please take me home.
I cannot live here any longer.

We've had great weather though, so regular trips to the 40 acre dog park have helped her make it through another day.

And peanut butter tickling always helps the whole crowd

Violet enjoys scooter riding this year-
The lovely phase of standing on a the scooter while you push them takes it’s third cycle round the Smith mama.

We also have a budding beautician on our hands!!!...annnnd you know what that means!!
Socks all the time…

Oh well. I let her do my nails while I put on my make up in the morning. It’s a small price to pay to connect with her. It’s a rare thing that I send everyone to bed feeling like I've met all their needs and all “tanks” are full. This can really get me down- especially in a crazy week like this, but really- I think (hope) they don’t even realize how chaotic life is. I think perspective is everything, and they've got it pretty good. Even tonight- Lucy was struggling with the early bedtime (that was most definitely needed but also highly offensive). Ok fine, I’ll meet you in the middle kiddo- if I make you a fort, you can read in it until you fall asleep.
Oh to be 6.

20 minutes later and she is gone. I win. 

The other two went right down- Jack has been begging for a couple hours to go, and this was Violet when we got home tonight-
Like a wolf howling at the moon.

Anyways, in honor of “re-starting” weight watchers tomorrow- I made what is possibly the most unhealthy food on the face of this planet, but Oh. So. Delicious.
Like nectar from the gods, I will enjoy some muddy buddies, and probably good movie before I start a new week.

Here’s to fresh starts, and new Mondays!