Today's highs are most certainly that I was looking forward to my evening out to celebrate a good friend's birthday, the SUN was out all day long, and I accomplished getting more ready than yoga pants and a messy bun. Yea!!
We hopped in the car first thing this morning and had a mini adventure driving Uncle to work.
They had donuts for breakfast. Maybe not going for mom of the year with that move, but there was no complaining the entire drive. I'll consider myself coming out on top with that one.
Came home and saw the sunshine pouring into the kitchen
Mmm does that do a Seattle-ites heart good.
Next, this fellow asked me if we would have spit to swallow in Heaven.
This pic was taken after that very serious conversation. The state of our saliva in heaven is no laughing matter to a 4 year old boy.
Random family photo time this morning-
Now I "made" the kids go outside. Jack was beside himself with anger over this. He appreciates routine, and in the winter- play dough all morning is his routine. This bump in the road was not only unsuspected but unwelcome. What kind of mother would do such a thing to her child? Clearly I'm evil.
I did a bit of cooking with Lucy, and played "where's the belly" with the tiny one.
Then I made the fatal error of spending more than 30 seconds not thinking about Violet to put "claws" on Jack. These were the results..
That girl is fast. Notice the water all over the floor. You all know where that water came from.
This is about the time Jack stopped responding to the name Jack and only responding to Dad or Daniel. "I am the ruler of the house" I had to laugh at that. You'd think the real Daniel walks around in a crown proclaiming this. He doesn't. I asked Jack what a dad does. He said "he wrestles with the children, but doesn't know everything in the town. Mom's know everything in the town." Buahaha. My ploy is working.
About this time Lucy recalled the she doesn't have school Monday. I said it was because of President's Day. She disagreed and said it's George Bush's birthday. Didn't know she knew who the ol' G-dub was. Apparently she is learning something after all. Although I was was reminded of MLK day last month. "Yea, people at school seriously love that guy". 10 points to public school for teaching enough where she knows "something" is going on. -10 points for not teaching it deep enough to where she actually has any understanding of what.
Also whispered into my ear approximately 75 times today?? "I want a pet hamster"
Piano lessons rang in the afternoon-
That teacher is the most patient human God has ever created.
Spent the end of nap time getting ready for my fun night downtown with friends.
I have makeup on. I did my hair. I'm wearing a white shirt. Nobody touch me.
Real thought- the occasional night for yourself is a must. It keeps your mind sane, it makes the day go faster, and adult conversation is just oh so refreshing every now and then.
Waiting to hear from Danny boy who is currently in the midst of his gnarly midterm, and counting down the minutes until the kiddos head to Grandma's for a night of giggles!! You know those Grandmas....and their giggles.