Back to reality today! All systems are go, and no fevers were found. Of course I set out on my first day back in the land of the healthy with an ambitious goal- de-crib Tiny. If she can get out- may as well take away the possibility of her falling to her death and simply put her in "the big girl bed".
She was obviously sad to leave her crib.
I on the other hand..
...turned around, looked at this crib and did feel sad. This oh so annoying to put together, dirty, kicked, chewed piece of furniture that Grandma bought for Lucy back in our tiny little New York apartment has held all three nuggets into the toddler life.
I am so not the mom who gets emotional about this "stuff", but this crib has been seen as an annoyance to me for so many years. It's big, it's hard to move, and for the 3rd kiddo never even looked nice. But today as I began the process of disassembling it (almost with ease at this point), it went from an annoyance to a treasure. I've given the swing, the clothes, the gear- all of it away and not looked back for a second. We don't plan on having more kiddos, and honestly even if we did, a lot of our equipment just needs to be replaced. 3 kids seemed to be the limit on baby gear for those wondering. But then, to take down the biggest piece, and have it get to me! Ugh! Who am I?
The truth is that, yes, in my most sentimental moments, babies growing older is a sad sad thing. But, whether I have 3 kids, or 8 kids- babies growing older will be sad. We feel that Violet completed our family, and are overall ready to move to the next stages in life.
I will just miss that chewed up crib; and those teething babies.
For those of you without kids- you're not misunderstanding my words. Babies will actually gnaw on the wood; much like what I imagine a teething infant woodchuck would need to do. They make protectors for them, but kids eventually figure out how to work around it- and if your crib goes through 3 sets of gums- it won't be available for much else but the garbage when they're done.
Jack's Uncle Vio gave him a baseball bat yesterday.
He hasn't stopped asking to play soccer since.
By soccer he does actually mean baseball.
How he'll survive in society without his mother I do not know.
With all of that said- he hit the stinkin ball every single time!
What the heck?!
This is so unlike me! I truly am not sure that I have ever made contact between a bat and a ball- my Tee-Ball years included. I am a pitiful example of any sport involving much hand eye coordination.
Just in case you're all concerned he's losing touch with his intellectual side- Lucy asked me how to spell phone, and Jack followed that up with asking how to spell "the purple martian from despicable me".
Later on I was trying to remember this conversation and asked Jack what Lucy needed me to spell earlier. "I don't remember. What was I wearing when you asked me?" Ummm. your pajamas? "I still don't remember."
Lucy expressed her love for elephants-
or elaphets...
I'm wondering if she's seen star wars with Daddio one too many times...
We also found this in her backpack-
Let's all be thankful she has yet to express the desire to be a professional artist as an adult.
After school she had a girl scout outing to the fire station. Each girl was supposed to make the firefighters a thank you card- thanking them for their service, and everything they do for the community.
Thanks for all the rescuing.
Also a topic today was April Fools Day. I thought it'd be fun to tell the kids what it was in hopes that we can play around a bit tomorrow. So I gave examples of "nice tricks" you could do. Like- if I put fake food on your plate for breakfast "APRIL FOOLS!!" or told you you had to stay home all day and sit on the couch "APRIL FOOLS!!"
This is where they started giggling and fully embracing this odd but awesome day. Jack excitedly shouted his example of "hey look! There's an old banana!...APRIL FOOLS!!" Cue hysterical laughing from all humans between the ages of 4-6.
Lucy chimes in with hers, "Hey!! You're a dog!" BAHAHAHA.
Needless to say- tomorrow may be far more annoying than hilarious. I'm sure I'll have some good stories to share. Looking forward to the annual attempt at tricking my husband into thinking I'm pregnant. It's always a good one.