Well. I'm out of my hole and back to the real world that is in fact still spinning despite a sick mother. Fevers of 103 should just not be allowed in any mama body.
I'll share the few pictures I do have of the past 4 days, and just get things rolling again before the new week! Unfortunately, I spent very little time with kiddos this week as I was totally knocked out Thursday afternoon by some sudden virus. But, I'm hoping the fact that I spent so little time with them will keep them from getting it themselves :).
Last week was a little crazier than I'd like but some great job news (nothing officially signed or I'd be squealing and posting pics of some sort of celebration) and some encouraging words from Pediatric Eval "people" and I'm feeling worlds better.
Wednesday Violet finally had the line drawn in the sand on her vocab, and we set the date for an evaluation for the tiny nugget. She has one word at 18 months. It's not a crisis, but just something that is better to be looked into early vs late- or so I've been told.
The one word is "boo" which is actually said like bah- she only says it when she wants to play peek-a-boo.
It's not exactly the one word I would choose to solely express myself through but, hey, to each their own.
Thursday morning was the hearing test- she did well with that as far as the speech frequencies go. We actually learned her right ear has some frequencies she didn't seem to pick up so we have to go back. Basically it determined she is not being held back in speech because of hearing but there is another thing to add to the list of "Violet quirks". So- we'll check that out. I'm not worried.
That afternoon I was supposed to do birthday festivities with my mama, and instead took a nap at her house with my free hours.
Sigh- but by 5 that night I was down for the count and more sick than I have been since I had pneumonia in high school. Just so so achy and tired. Tired like where taking a shower requires breaks because standing that long is too much to ask.
Of course you know this means I just didn't shower for 3 days.
I honestly cannot tell you much that happened in between Thursday afternoon and sometime yesterday/today. If you called me and I seemed weird- I was.
I was heavily medicated and probably sleep talking. I hope you recorded the conversations- I'd like to know what was said myself.
When I would emerge from the bedroom for the occasional meal of "one bite of egg" I noticed that kids have no limit to how messy they allow themselves or their surroundings to become.
I didn't even care.
If any of you follow me on facebook or instagram you may have noticed my kids have been in the same clothes since Thursday.
I noticed that this morning.
Yesterday started with me overhearing this as Dan walked into the kid's room, "why is Violet out of her crib? And is that poop on the ground?" She wanted to, and I'm not sure. "Well, that doesn't make me feel comfortable."
Poor Dad.
Yesterday I had been fever free for a majority of the day, and actually felt like seeing people so I joined my husband and kids who had been at my mom's house all day without me. We decided to take Big and Middle nuggets to a park. We went to one that allowed mama to remain in the car and watch as kiddos got some much needed fresh air.
Lucy mastered the monkey bars.
This is a huge deal. And it only took "wait Mom, let me try one more time" to be said 1093583034 times!
I probably screamed louder than her when she finally got all the way across.
Jack spent the better part of the first 2 minutes at the park trying to put his jacket on.
Nailed it.
Jack is so dorky and he so doesn't care at all. It makes my mama heart want to hug him.
"Bud, your coat is on upside down let's fix it." "No, it's fine mom, I'm playing."
You know that darn upside down coat bugged me the whole time I watched them play.
Later on we got back to Daddio and I enthusiastically told Lucy to tell dad about the park!
"There was a boy there."
I just buzzed through that comment and told Dan myself. She did the monkey baaarrrs!!
At this point Lucy clicked back into normal 6 year life and excitedly told her dad all about it.
Today was spent recouping a bit further. Dad and the kiddos had fun in the living room, while I gave the house a little attention.
I was fever free still today, and only took medicine first thing this morning. Dare I say it's over?!
Went out a bit with my mom this afternoon in efforts of mending my lameness on Thursday, and can say I'm somehow ready for the new week.
This was just taken before I sat down to write. Kiddos are obviously not in their own rooms. But, how can I interrupt when I overhear, "Introducing Prince Jackson and Princess Luciana on the thrown of Arendelle!!!!"
Tomorrow's great mental debate will be to switch Violet to the big girl bed or not to.