My day yesterday never really felt much like it ended; the nuggets all had some sort of evil ploy against me and tag teamed all night long- keeping this mama up far too much. But, you know, coffee is the god of all maternal creatures. Or at least it should be. Ha.
SO, the day officially began when I released the creatures from their lairs this morning. At which point I quickly noticed a blob of something gross on the stairs. Not before Jack noticed though. Jack had already touched it. "I wanted to make sure it wasn't poop. It's not. It's barf."
Couple thoughts:
1. How, Jackson, am I supposed to find comfort in the fact that you only grabbed it to check that it wasn't poop? What if it had been? And it's not like dog vomit is all that amazing to touch either.
2. I need to work a house cleaner who cleans my carpets weekly into the budget. Lord knows I don't get paid enough for dog barf first thing in the morning.
Anyways, we deal with that. Finally get downstairs to breakfast at which point baby nugget decides all food is simply not acceptable. Even fish crackers (which usually have magic calming powers)
No worries- she self soothes by reorganizing the craft cupboard.
About this time Jack decides he really wants candy for breakfast. I mean really. He "really, really needs it."
How about toast and a banana.
I ended up sending that guy upstairs to watch a show in mom and dad's bed- and as predicted, he got two more hours of sleep.
The girls and I cranked the tunes and tried to restart this morning on a better foot. Lucy quickly asked me not to sing. "I don't think parents should sing with their children. Well, some parents should, but..." Ok, ok, I got the point. I toned it down as clearly I had stepped over the line. Smiling to myself as I think about how much I love that kid. She's funny when she's not trying to be and that is awesome.
Suddenly I notice the big yellow paper sent home from school sometime last week for a project due sometime "not today" and therefore shelved and forgotten. Quickly searching my email I realize "not today" had indeed turned into "today". The 100th day of school is Thursday, and they are celebrating this milestone with a party and all things "100". The assignment was to use 100 objects to make a sign recognizing the event. Lucy pitches the idea of raisins and we go with it.
"I am ingenious cause I saw those raisins and thought, HEY! I won't eat them, I'll glue them"
This is true.
Also, do you know exactly how many raisins are in each of those kids size boxes? I do. 65. In case you ever need to know.
Doorbell rings!!! I'm not sure what your house does when the doorbell rings. Here's the breakdown in mine:
Kids- instantly act as if Santa himself has shown his face and brought his elves to give us anything we wish for- as long as we get to the door in under 1 second.
Dog- knows, I mean knows that the person on the other side of that door is here to harm her family, and is 100% convinced that yelping, screaming, increasing movement speed to 150 mph will allow her 10 pound body to provide the protection necessary to keep her family safe.
Me- scrambling in a desperate effort to find a shirt that won't make me look like I may have just been accepted in off the streets, wonder if I could get away with them thinking we're not home. hahaha, that thought's hilarious. Check hair- whoa. Whatever "I'm going for the natural look". Grab the dog and put her in the laundry room (this is if she'll allow you to catch her in the frenzied state). See how loudly I can quietly tell the kids through my teeth to not open the door until I say to. Finally.... "hiiii there!!"
It was the fence guy. Our fence likes to fall over in the wind- and it's finally actually getting fixed the right way. Great! Our morning entertainment!!
This lasted for a good 20 minutes and I counted it a win.
Next the oh too familiar words "can I make another famous recipe?" Dear Lord. Really? We're still riding this wave?? Sure, honey!! (afterall, I don't want to be responsible for killing her dream- I mean what if she's meant to be a famouse chef someday and it's all because I let her explore the field as a child??)
This would be seconds before milk was spilled. Everywhere. Just everywhere. "Don't worry mom, I'll just clean it up with my coat."
Luckily- I kept my cool. Dont worry kiddo- we'll just wipe it on up, and keep going. Smile smile (inner rage) smile. I find it's these little things that stretch a mama to grow, and how we react to them. Yes, sometimes inside we're raging, and that's expected, but really what a difference the reaction you choose makes in that kiddos day.
Next we enjoyed a riveting game of hide and seek.
And yes, that's my laundry pile. It's clean. This is where I hit a wall in the laundry process. It's a great marriage builder. We have lots of "I'm not trying to be rude or confrontational but...when is the laundry going to get done??" conversations. Met by a blank stare from my eyes at this man who is just so amazingly and entirely brave. It's great practice in patience and grace and really, I mean, I keep the laundry around on purpose. For the marriage.
After hide and seek Lucy and I read a book on Australia. Followed by her asking me if "marsupials are avatars". Really? This must be what if feels like to be amazed by the next generation of minds. I don't even know if I know what an avatar is- how do you even know that word?!
But no, marsupials are not avatars.
Next big nuggets head off to school. Jack asked I take his picture.
"Ooooh, I look so handsome"
Love you buster.
While standing in line at Lucy's school I hear her tell someone she was home-schooled as a baby, but she's not anymore.
Rather uneventful couple hours while Violet napped, and we head back out to retrieve our buddies. Jack never looked back.
In fact, found his coat and papers weighed him down in the great escape of the day.
Picked up Gram to break up the afternoon stretch and headed to what my kids call GI Joes.
We'll avoid talking about the scene Violet caused in that store. Just screaming. I don't even know what I bought. I was just putting stuff in the cart, and trusting it'd work out to be called dinner. We head home, eat an odd but delicious assortment of things, and introduce Gram to the wonder that is Lucy's famous recipe.
Mmmmm. Cinnamon popsicles.
Please try them. How about you do Luc? I did- it's disgusting, but maybe it won't be for you. Try it!
Way to go, Gram. You tried it "for real". And faked it like a champ. You are a far better person than I am.
Anyways, the rest is fairly unremarkable. Monday's are always a special level of fun, but really- how sweet is my life?? I love it. Kids are high on "Valentine's Day countdowns" and classroom party prep this week. For tomorrow: signing 15 cards with a 4 year old. Not sure tomorrow will provide enough hours in the day to accomplish the task, but- we'll most certainly try!
I leave you with this treasure that came home with Jack from the Daddy & Me Night at school-
"Your eyes are like a rock"