Well, Mondays are always wonderful aren't they??
Ours was actually decent if you could take out the hours from about 4 on.
The kids spent the morning outside "playing football".
These are both Jack attempting to catch the ball. I particularly like the dolphin tale move on the left.
Let's try kicking-
This was far better than the catching. And Lucy gets an A for switching the helmet over to her head for this one.
We moved on to a different leisure activity...
Of course Jack found it far too much work and chose this time to ask his important questions of the day..
Why is water soft?? ....it just is.
Were you punched in the head when you were a baby?....no.
He also kept calling his forehead his poor-head, and told us all we were "a bunch of slowfolks"
Not sure if I should have his hearing tested, or just roll with these incorrect ideas of common words/phrases.
I think we'll roll with it for now.
Both Jack's preschool and Lucy's public school are learning all about Dr Seuss lately. In honor of that, Lucy dug out the copy of Waterville Central School's "Seussical the Musical" a few days ago, and has watched at least parts of it every single day.
God help me.
Jack did however make a cool hat.
And Lucy drew a picture..
May it haunt your dreams.
Lucy had a particularly dramatic day, and greeted me after school saying she "can't wait to die so she never has to get a shot again"
Glad to see we're not going to extremes here. I mean, death?? Really??
After school on a 65 degree day you better believe we hit up the park!
Push me, push me, push me!!
Downside of having your kids close in age is definitely getting your cardio in by the swingset. Or the upside- guess it depends on your perspective.
You all know where I stand on physical exercise...I lay.
Cute Mae Mae loving the park.
Can you hear her skin sizzling?
I felt like she was the whitest thing we'd seen all winter. Sunscreen was a must. Thanks to my friend for actually being a mother who is prepared, and letting me borrow.
Next it was time to leave. We only got to stay for an hour and a half, and the world surely was ending when I announced to load up the van.
20 minutes after arriving home.
In the midst of that I discovered the worst possible thing I could have imagined on my staircase.
May it also haunt your dreams.
This threw Jack into hysterics as well, and only grabbed Violet's attention. Let the moment that seems to happen every Monday begin.
My brain loses most ability to think due to screaming. And of course the dog for whatever reason chooses this moment to be sure someone is at the door, and begin barking like a fool.
Add in the 85 pound lab we're babysitting who emerges from her elderly slumber for one quick round of puppy like play at this. exact. moment.
I stuff my face with chocolate, break my diet, and in one 10 minute session of life have become unraveled.
Oh well. Tomorrow is another day, right?
Things calmed down, and Lucy shared the story of her friend at school who went to the desert to see a genie with his mom.
Seattle parents are actually insane.
Next she casually mentioned that something "so weird happened when she pooped" There was blood in the potty, but her nose wasn't bleeding!!
Guess I'll be checking poop for a while.
I leave you hoping you all enjoyed your Monday, and let's all hope to sleep as good as Bird this evening.