You know when you're awakened at 5 am by the middle nugget yelling your name with far too much of a "chipper" tone...and you take a few seconds to realize you aren't in fact having a nightmare. Leap out of bed, to run and quiet him before he wakes "the others". In your confused state make a stop to the bathroom- NEAT-O.
Suddenly the light doesn't feel so bright and things don't seem so confusing. It's 5 in the morning and you're fishing a knight out of the toilet bowl.
Anyways, Jack went back down. Ok, I'll be honest. I gave him the ipad.
There was no way he was falling back asleep- and that was the only way I could think to get him to remain silent so the girls got their beauty rest.
I crawled back in bed, but alas didn't have much luck falling back asleep. Got up showered and did some final prep for my MOPS leader's meeting this morning.
Around 7 or so I had some Valentine snuggles from this lady
Always silly of course.
We got everyone else up and dressed, and quick let's take a picture before someone finds their shirt too itchy, or just decides they no longer wear stripes.
Mmmm. What do you notice first about this?
Next, we scoot downstairs and "ooohhh myyyy gooodddness!! It's HELLO KITTY VALENTINE!!!" Insert squealing giggles. "She is so beautiful mom, she is the daughter of my big hello kitty upstairs. you know, the one I sleep with. And where is my other hello kitty; this ones sister? I think I left her in the neighbors yard (uh, what?). Oh well, MOM I LOVE HER!!"
I also found a Storm Trooper stuffed animal with candy hearts. Talk about success. Jack is always tricky. He doesn't tend to like "stuff" and doesn't like chocolate.
First: I'll let you recover from that last part of that last sentence. If I hadn't birthed him myself, I'd question if he was mine.
Second: What kid doesn't appreciate a good gift?
But! This did the trick, and he was pleased. Violet got a mini pack of m&ms I had leftover from something.
Which I ate during her nap time because they were just there..staring at me.
Whatever- she's only 1- shouldn't be too scarring.
Next we load up by 8:45 and head out to my morning meeting which went well, and I always love connecting with that group of ladies.
Scooted on out of there, but not before I stole some extra banana bread from the meeting snacks, and called it lunch for the kids in the car.
Oldest nugget- "Mom. My tongue feels weird. I think my tongue is bleeding. No. No. Mom I think might barf."
In our new car.
Whip to the side of the road at which point she says- "oh nevermind, I'm fine."
Puke fake outs are not a way to make friends.
Kept her around for a while, but had let them have their fill of candy this morning, and we've had no other vomit issues in the house (with the exception of a projectile situation yesterday from tiny nugget who had swallowed a goldfish without chewing it)- so she did eventually go to school. In fine spirits.
Next we have 30 minutes before Jack goes to preschool. He has been on a strict anti-signing wave ever since his valentines cards were introduced. Finally told him he wasn't going to the party and getting everyone else's cards unless he made some for them.
Oh, the enthusiasm.
We compromised and I held his pen with him, and basically wrote his name 13 times.
His teacher cards however, were of notable value. I asked him to say something nice that he loves about each of his two teachers. After he told me his response there was no rerouting him to anything different. And we're close enough to these women that I just went with it.
Card #1- I like that your hair is the color of rocks.
Card #2- I like your whole body; even your teeth.
Creeper. Status.
Let's hope he improves on his compliments prior to the dating age.
After I woke up the tiny
We headed out to get the big kids from school.
Check out alllll that crap coming home!!
Haha, but no, they had awesome days, and this scene soon followed.
A coma will likely finish it out.
In the meantime, his favorite valentine was the boy who gave paper airplanes-
Good! That'll keep him busy for like 3 whole minutes.
Love it.
Next we ran some errands that were a miserable fail. But, moods remained peaceful.
Despite what shopping with 3 is really like
I sometimes feel like I have barnacles on me at all times. Literal barnacles.
Next a visit from a knight
And ended the day with a long tub.
Gram is headed over for an overnight and Danny and I got a hotel room downtown.
Also, I just heard "hey, what are some of your favorite potty words??!"
Guess I'll go stop that before it starts.