Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Humdrum Reports

Back to the good ol' Northwest rain today- a few breaks of sun, but after being outside lots the past few days- it was kind of a welcome day in.

Rock painting is apparently a thing we do now. 

Ignore her face- she was being rude...usually is when the patch is on. 

She later went upstairs and cleaned her room...in hopes of her friend coming over. 

It totally worked. I am a true believer that sometimes additional children make your life easier as they entertain the regulars.

Jack needed something to do so, as I do every few months, I remembered about the downstairs closet. 
Or "lego room" if you're a resident here. 

It's baby proof, it has it's own lighting, and when it gets messy- I simply close the door. It's kind of great. 

While Jack did that, Lucy and her friend played "fashion show" (which BTW seems to just be walking around with your hands on your hips singing "fashion girrrrrrrls" over and over), and Violet and I got to actually hang out. 

A rare occurrence for the tiny nugget to get one on one time.
Some wild caterpillar play went on, followed by intense couch pillow peek-a-boo.

Next she took things too far, and decided to try to climb everything. 
We all get carried away sometimes but...no.

Worked together and cleaned out the freezer; at which point Jack decided to let us know that everything in it is harder than a head bone.

Side note- can we all take a moment and think about how impossible it seems that this dainty little paw supports that mammoth thunder thigh? 

She could feed a family for weeks in the wild. 

V-money also has learned how to open the back door. 
So far I've only found her out back twice. Thank God for a fenced in yard, I guess?

I'm just rollin' in the mom points. 

In the sun's brief appearance Boba got to take a stroll into school to pick up his sister.
Blank-blank also took part. 

Jack has started planning his birthday party. He will be five in a short 8 months. 

Can never be too prepared. 

The birthday list as of today:
1. A toilet that blows bubbles out the top when you flush
2. A hot tub


I thought making cookies together would be fun as I've been attempting to teach them some basic kitchen skills and channel Lucy's passion. 

I announced that everyone needs to clean up the downstairs and we will get to it. Lucy burst into action, and Jack remained still. 

"Jack I'm talking to you buddy! Clean up the house if you want some cookies"

His response was quick and cruel- 
"Mom, we all know you're talking to yourself. You want the house clean and you want cookies"

No truer statement has ever been made. 

Of course I told him I wouldn't make them unless he helped, and he jumped into action. 

Next I realized something based on this afternoon's cleaning session, and Lucy's room this morning. My kids have turned a glorious corner. They actually have skill. 

Gone are the days where cleaning means piles of wrong things being put into wrong containers. They get it. My living room pillows were all lined up how I require them to be, toys in the toy closet, dishes in the dishwasher- upstairs things brought upstairs. 


Of course, it's not the level of clean that I'd want anybody I respected to see my home in but still- it was impressively decent, and gave me an entire new perspective on the possibilities of those dirty little hands. 

Over dinner we discussed how I could not get things ready fast enough and Jack would rather just have 5 moms. 

Believe me kiddo, this is not the first time I've thought of the benefits of sister wives. 

Showers, stories, and 1,000 occurrences of "I have to tell you one more thing" and bed time was a wrap. 
Big, Middle & Tiny thoroughly enjoy getting clean.

Tomorrow is "Wacky Wednesday" at school and Jack plans on wearing his shoes backwards.

And no I don't mean on the wrong feet, I clarified. He indeed means actually backwards. "My toes might be a little squished but it will be ok"

He can't put his shoes on the correct way- I can't wait to watch him try to put them on backwards.

Maybe I'll record it.

Share away if you'd like! I'm glad to be back on my regular schedule in the blog world! 

I'll catch ya on the flip side!! 
Wink wink