Friday, February 7, 2014

The Never Ending Day

So, growing up we always did a "best part and worst part" of your day conversation at dinner. I think I'll model this in my posts a bit by simply hitting the highs and lows of that day. I'll at least try that out, and if it's not working I'll change things up.

I'll start out with the lows. This morning I was preoccupied with computer work which is basically a guarantee for all things crazy to happen in kid world. Attitudes were raging and my best self most definitely didn't come out. When you're toddler is doing this:
all. morning. long. anyone's sanity would be challenged. Add Lucy's latest passion- cooking, and things don't look up. I'm not sure how many of you are aware a a 5 year old's ability to "throw something together" in the kitchen but here's a pretty good idea:
Heavy on the salt, basil, and food coloring. And guess who gets to try it first?? Yours truly. Yummo.

Anyways, my two big kids attend afternoon schools and were sent off today with a little less "love you honey have the best day ever" and a bit more of "PUT YOUR HAT ON AND DON'T FORGET YOUR BLUE FOLDER". So, I was convinced the day was just a wash in momland. 

Luckily, after some good therapeutic cleaning while the third nugget napped, I had a much clearer vision of my role. Danny called and told me he was planning on taking Lucy for a date after school (score!) and my mom called wanting to go for a drive. Yea! 

Things begin to turn around here and I'll switch over to the highs of the day. I picked Jack up from school and he had told his entire class about what a great time he'd had at the Seahawks parade this past Wednesday.
I was glad to hear he hadn't shared with them the horrendous attitude of his mother that morning. Kids are unbelievably forgiving. It really is something that baffles me. Each time I think I've "ruined" them, they quickly do something to make me realize how awesome they each are.

With a lighter load we headed out for a drive with Gram Gram. It was a gorgeous day. Jack quickly fell asleep allowing my mom and I to actually talk about real life, and not spend the entire time answering Jack's endless questions. That's high #1. Next we went to a favorite spot: Kerry Park. The temperature didn't agree with the middle nugget- so this was the reality of that stop:
Whatever. He's dramatic. After a run back to the car, he quickly regained his composure, and we set out for our next stop. Jack was finding things boring at this point- I told him to find something beautiful outside. He quickly corrected me and said he should find something handsome- cause he's a boy. Mmkay, sure. So we began looking for "handsome" things as we drove along.

Next, we had a ridiculously long conversation about if and why sticks float. I didn't understand the point behind until he finally revealed that Jesus walks on water (ha) and he thinks that if he stood on sticks he could walk on water, too. He wants to test this theory tomorrow. Sure. That will last approximately 2 seconds. Refer above to see how well he handled the temp bundled up in a winter coat, let alone trying to walk on water. 

What we came across next is my favorite part of the day. Aptly named Discovery Park is a new favorite for our family. Can't wait to bring everyone back- and check out those mountains! 
Now, we hit an hour and a half of traffic to only go 1 mile. I'll let you all imagine how that was. At dinner time. After already driving around for an hour and a half. Just refer back to the first pic of this post, and you'll get the picture. 

We finally got home, learned that Lucy had spent over an hour in the local toy store, and was given the choice of whatever dinner she wanted. She ate 3 corn dogs (excellent choice in nutrition, my dear). 

All in all, even though it certainly had a rocky start, and low points throughout, our kids went to bed happy, and with their tanks filled. I'm looking forward to the weekend, and ready to go watch some Olympics!! 

Here we go!

I recently found myself discouraged and feeling like there is just no way I can have it all together as I am "supposed to". Then, I started throwing caution to the wind, and actually just being honest. Parenting is hard, being a wife is work, maintaining my faith and relationship with Christ is near impossible with the craziness that comes with 3 young children. And to my surprise, people opened up in response! I began to realize that most others don't have it all together, and fail, and feel overwhelmed, and are consistently striving to find that next step necessary for peace in their home. And you know what? It felt good to talk about it. To be honest with each other. To realize how real everyone around me actually is. 

So, my next grand adventure is blogging. I'm doing this in an effort to reach other moms and wives who may feel like they just fall short every day, and to help them realize first, that they are not alone, and in fact are normal, and second, that it is often in our worst days that grace becomes most obvious in our lives. We just need to take our blinders of stress off for long enough to see the good all around. And a little humor is almost always present if you just see things through the right perspective.

With that said, my 17 month old is stuck in a pot, and the 5 year old has food coloring out- which will only lead to a blue countertop. I'm looking forward to this new endeavor, and hope to do it together! Here's to being more open, and honest, and real in a world that is pushing the facade of perfection at us more than ever.