Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Just Say Yes

Powering on out of his room early this morning, boots on and axe in hand Jack headed straight to the back yard.
Hey, sometimes you just need to chop down a tree. I get it...not really.

Breakfast was entirely offensive as Lucy told Jacks he stinks. He came to me wounded, and poor Lucy was genuine in her whispered response "but Mom, he really does" 

Had an eye opening conversation about how even if it's true you don't point it out in a mean way, and we moved on.

Also, it's true. Boys are smelly and gross and there is just known reason why. 

Next Lucy came out "dressed as me" 
Yes I'm aware her body has an odd way of looking like a 16 year old's. I don't know what to do about it. Obviously- avoiding heels would be good. 

"Hey Mom, do you want to watch me jump over Violet" is heard from the other room. 

I'm not sure how many of you are aware of Jack's coordination abilities. This about sums it up.


Next I broke up an argument that poor Jack had to get a cold hard dose of reality in. Apparently I missed something in raising him, and he indeed thinks what we know as elbows are shoulders. 

Add another A+ to the mom book. 

Whatever, he takes it in stride and doesn't seem to care that he's probably been the lead of so many confusing moments with his peers. I like this about him. Very forgiving. 

Someone not quite as quick to forgive is the biggest nugget. (Though great in other ways). She decided just before dinner that tonight should be a party, and she should have a friend over. She even made popcorn. Sorry- no can do. It's too late and we have morning plans. 

We have still not recovered. She's literally crying herself to sleep about this one. Yes, I feel bad, but no I don't feel bad.

"Mom, you keep saying no. Just say yes!"


"Mom my friend has to come over...after you change your clothes"

Definitely no.

She really really cares about what I wear, and I consider myself a relatively up to style mama. Worry about yourself. 

Next goof ball chased me with a shocker pen. 
1. I do not know why my husband owns such juvenile items.
2. He probably would throw it away if he had to deal with what I did today (sneaking boy who jabs it into any exposed skin).
3. Good thing he is terrible at sneaking and giggles the entire time. It was pretty easy to grab him prior to the assault. 

Round of peek-a-boo with Mae Mae finished out the evening.
She's getting there.. 

And that's that!! Tomorrow is MOPS and I leave tomorrow night for NY. YEA! 

Now, I'm off to take a few deep breaths before entering Lucy's room to see if we can calm down at all. Seems to be losing her voice. Such passion.