Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Good To Be Back!

Hold on to your yoga pants, mamas, cause we have a lot to cover!! 

Trip to New York was great. Got to get a lot of time with the Uncle- one of my favorite moments with him was when my brother found an old, absolutely horribly sounding, piano, and somehow made a beautiful moment happen.
Music really does the soul good. 

Shortly after arriving in the empire state, I realized I had forgotten my toothbrush. This became a ridiculous fiasco as it seemed impossible for me to remember to get one when I was out. I finally snagged these at a convenience store.
I actually have razor blades for teeth.

Aside from lots of family there was lots of food.
This doesn't even show all the pastries and pizza I consumed in my short stay. That beast of a sub on the left was half of a "small". 

If I ever lived in New York again I would literally weigh 400 pounds within a year. 

Some things I didn't miss about the great upstate region- 
1. "Can I have my blistex" actually being heard on more than one occasion
2. Timberlands everywhere
3. This meaning nothing...
No. I'll hunker down for three days and enjoy a shut down city thank you very much. 

Also- I've entirely forgotten how to drive there. I'm in a weird "nobody wants me" zone in the driving community. Too passive for New York, too aggressive for Seattle. 

Things I did miss about my home:

1. The people
2. The open space
These may not be green and rugged like Seattle is, but they are open and you can see forever. These spots have millions of memories for me. 

And old barns!! I miss old barns! 

My entrance back into reality has been rough to say the least. Danny is slammed with work, and my flight landed yesterday morning at 11 am local time. Giving me basically a whole day of kid life after travelling for 10 hours. 

I was greeted by the nuggets snotty faces and kissed every one of them. Violet was the cutest with her show of squeals and flinging limbs in excitement over the fact that I had not, in fact, abandoned her forever. 

I asked how long they'd been sick...Lucy quickly responded "for years...but can we go fishing today?"

Good to be back. 

The weather here is marvelous high 50s so how could we not go outside? We hit the dog park; as it seemed poor Bird needed attention as well (solely based on the screaming she displayed and entire inability to calm down with my return). 
Even fake dogs make appearances. Here's Jack with Cuddles and Sweet Puppy.

Only the most masculine pet names for him. 

Run little children, run.

...and go to sleep early. 

Headed home, check in the rear view mirror..
Good to be back. 

Then today started with catastrophe as Jack probably breathed too close to the long-dead flowers in Lucy's room, and all the pedals fell off. 

"This is the worst day eveeeer" 

7 am.

We recovered and so began the morning that never ended. I actually thought time froze for reasons too cruel to imagine. 

Got the house put back to mom standards, and picked up Jack from school. It's now 3 pm and nearly 60 degrees outside. We, again, must do something outside. Let's go for a bike ride!! 

Fatal. Error.

Here are the pictures that deceive you into thinking we had a great time- and I honestly hope the kids actually did. 
I was locked and loaded. Graham Crackers are used far more often than water on trips like these.

I'm actually screaming in this picture as I had told Lucy to hold Violet's hand so she didn't run into the water. Somehow this had been forgotten in the time it took me to raise my phone. 

Don't worry- I'm quick, and she stayed dry.

I should have known at the bloody nose to just give up the mission. 

The nose never stopped bleeding. Jack and Violet 2014 editions are FAR heavier than 2013 editions. My tire would not stay pumped up. My legs still feel like noodles. Lucy actually goes deaf on bike rides; this based solely on performance.

I believe the quote of the day was "Mom!! Control yourself!! You're like a catfish back there!"

A more accurate statement has probably never been made. However, control myself?!! You have no idea the control I'm having right now- it's just not in regards to my bike riding abilities.

Chicken for dinner, and jammies quickly there after. 
At what point can it be ok for this to actually cause me rage??? He's 4. Point your toe, kid. 

Taking some sudafed and settling in. Sad to miss the mom's night out with some awesome friends, but I need to kick this cold, and get some sleep. Nuggets need a lovey mama tomorrow :). 

Glad to be back in action- make sure to share with your friends!