Thursday, March 6, 2014


Kids have this funny sort of way of keeping you anchored. They also have a way of making you feel like a paper in the wind. Today was a bit of both. I appreciate the consistency of the chaos my nuggets bring. Yes, it's overwhelming and drives me bonkers but, looking back on what was a personally hard day- it's the fact that I have funny stories and silly pictures still at the end of it that makes me thankful for it. Today, being a mama is something I'm holding dear to my heart, and loving the bond that family gives- chaotic or not. 

I let the kids shower in my shower last night..
This was on the glass.

But the kids are clean.

This was the outfit Lucy came out in this morning. 
At least she's confident.

Jack helped me make breakfast. "Mom watch how good I am at doing the egg"
He then literally just grabs hold of an egg and squeezes it until it shatters in his hand over the bowl.

Mmm- bonding. 

Bird was driving me crazy so I stuck her outside just to get a break from the chaos she was adding.
That's apparently all the diva wanted. 

Middle and Tiny went "sledding" on the stairs. 
Love to hear their giggles.

Jack asked me for the first time how babies are born. Before I could answer he asked if they just hang on to a poop...

I just said yes. 

I'm sure that will backfire on me sometime.

Violet "helped" with the dishes. Cleaning with her is basically a race. As long as I clean faster than she messes things back up I'll win. 

It's a 2 steps forward 1 step back situation.


A pretend bug and the spidey hat. Prized possessions of Jack's that he said would help me drive.

The craziness that is school pick up. "can I have a sleepover" "can I eat RIGHT NOW" "can we go to the park" "why did you park so. far. away"

Lucy also revealed tonight that her teacher "screamed so bad it scared her" today when she wouldn't stop talking. 

She then apparently asked the teacher if she had gotten enough sleep.


But, she has a teacher who truly pours her heart and soul into these 5 year olds each day- and whose patience I could never expect to have even an ounce of. 

I'm thankful for the chaos, and for the teaching moments, and the humorous things, and even the confusing things a parent goes through. 

Though sometimes (like tonight) we may feel a bit like we have to scream just to be heard, and maybe we don't even know what everyone is yelling about in the first place. At least we are there. Day in and day out. I'm thankful for my family today, and hope in the future to be able to live a bit more for each moment.